Title: | Mail List Certification |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Software Support |
Issue: | How can I run an address and ZIP+4 verification on my members’ addresses? |
Did you know your association can receive bulk-rate postage discounts from the post office if the bulk mailing addresses are CASS certified? Rapattoni Magic can assist you in CASS certifying your addresses.
CASS certification requires the Rapattoni Magic Mail List Certification module and a third-party piece of software called AccuMail. AccuMail can be purchased from a variety of different retail software Web sites.
AccuMail is a certified address correction and coding software tool that integrates with your Rapattoni Magic membership database. It deciphers inaccurate or incomplete addresses on whatever you mail—invoices, dues renewal notices, RPAC solicitations, etc., and replaces them with the correct data. You save money on postage and material costs by virtually eliminating undeliverable mail.
The Mail List Certification programs are listed under Managers, Mail List Certification.
If your association decides to purchase and utilize AccuMail to CASS certify your mailing addresses, please contact Rapattoni Magic customer support at (866) 730-7115 so we may assist you in the procedures required to export, run, import and correct your addresses. For more information on licensing the Mail List Certification module, please contact Rapattoni’s sales department at