Title: Missing Internet Information Report
Submitted by: Rapattoni Magic Software Support

How can I run a report to show members or offices that don’t have email addresses?

Have you ever been tasked with a project to find all of the members in your database that do not have an email address? Ever wondered if there was a report you could run to quickly and easily gather this information? It just so happens that there is a report that will give you everything you need!

To run this report, you should navigate to the following location:

You will then see the following criteria screen:

This report works for both members and offices. Simply fill in the criteria for the data you’re trying to isolate and create the report.

In addition to finding members and offices that are missing email addresses, this report can also find members and offices that are missing web page addresses. It can even find members and offices that have invalid email addresses or web page addresses!

*NOTE* This report is available in the current version of Rapattoni Magic, version 9.28.14. If you are not running the current version, please contact Magic support to be scheduled for an upgrade.