Title: | The Differences in Range, Locate, and Query Search |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Magic Software Support |
Issue: | Why is it faster to use Range or Locate mode than Query mode when searching? |
When searching for information in Magic, you are always in one of three search modes: Range, Locate, or Query mode. You can always see which mode you are in by looking at the bottom-right corner of the Magic window. You can quickly switch between modes using keyboard hotkeys or the Options drop-down menu.
Search mode hotkeys:
To switch to Range mode: Ctrl+RTo switch to Locate mode: Ctrl+L
To switch to Query mode: Ctrl+Q
Range Search is the fastest and most powerful way to search for records in Rapattoni Magic 8. The underlying SQL database is optimized for this type of search, so it is essential that your staff knows how to use it effectively (especially if your association has a large membership database). For an in-depth look at using Range Search, please review the Magic Resource Center article at the URL below:
When you perform a Range Search, only records that match your search are displayed. This differs from the Locate and Query Searches in which all records in your database display. You can enter search values in as many fields as you like. If you are not sure of an exact value, use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, if you are searching for a member named Mary Heart, but are not sure of the spelling of her last name, type "Mary" in the First Name field, and "H*" in the Last name field. The search will return all records for members with a first name of Mary and a last name that begins with H.
Locate Search locates the first record that is the closest match to the text you enter. When you perform a Locate Search, all records display sorted based on the field you searched on. For example, if you search for "Patriot Realty" in the Office Name field, the software reorders the records alphabetically by office name, and highlights the first occurrence of Patriot Realty.
To perform a Locate Search
- Make sure you are in Locate mode.
- Enter the text you want to search for in any blank field(s).
- Press Enter.
Query Search locates the first record that matches the text you enter. As you type letters or numbers, the system starts searching the database. The records that match the text you've entered move to the top of the display as you continue to type.
For example, to search for Carol Barker in the Member Query Form, place the cursor in the Last Name field and type the first few letters of her last name. The software highlights the first member with the last name Barker, or the closest match.
With Query Search, all records in your database display (unlike a Range Search). However, it is important to note that searching in this mode is much slower than Range mode. As a database increases in size, the efficiency of the Query Search decreases significantly. For example, performing a Query Search in a database with 500 members and three years of data would be much faster than performing a Query Search in a database with 6,000 members and five years of data.
To perform a Query Search
- Make sure you are in Query mode.
- Place the cursor in the field you want to use for your search.
- Type the characters you are searching for, watching for the desired record to be highlighted (this is not case sensitive).
NOTE: It is not necessary to type the entire name. Typing only as many characters as necessary to find the member will make searching more efficient.
Recommended: Review "Advanced Search Procedures" in Help.