Title: Suspend or Terminate Members
Submitted by: Rapattoni Software Support
Issue: How can I suspend or terminate members who have not paid their dues?

Near the end of a hectic dues season, you may need to suspended or terminate members who have still not paid their dues. You can use Magic's Suspend/Terminate Members utility to suspend or terminate members based on Past Due Invoice Date or Billed Status.



First, let's review the "By Past Due Invoice Date" option. The top portion of the form lets you specify your criteria for selecting members to suspend/terminate. For example, you can use the Invoice Date field to limit your results to qualifying members with invoices that are at least 90 days old. If you only want to select members who owe at least a certain amount (such as $10.00 or more) you can enter this amount into the Balance Greater Than field.

Use the lower portion of the form (Update Criteria) to specify how the qualifying member records will be changed. Remember, you can always press F1 to view detailed Help for each field on the form.

It is highly recommended that you first run the "Report Only" option to see which members will be selected. By taking this precaution, you can change your criteria if necessary before running the update.

If you would prefer to suspend/terminate members based on their billed status, you can use the "By Billed Status" option. IMPORTANT: Be sure to run the Member History Update before using this program. As with the "By Past Due Invoice Date" option, the top portion of the form lets you specify your criteria for selecting members and the lower portion lets you specify how the qualifying member records will be changed. Be sure to run the "Report Only" option to see which members will be selected.

Also, note that you can create change history records to be included in transmittals by selecting the "Create change history" check box near the bottom of the form.

STATE ASSOCIATIONS: Select the "Check billed status in all Associations" check box if you want the software to consider a billed status of "P" (paid) in any association in which a member is active.