Title: | Correcting "Out of Balance" Errors |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Software Support |
Issue: | Have you ever gone through your Month-End Procedures and discovered that you're out of balance? A few simple steps should simplify the process of finding a solution. |
Have you ever gone through your Month-End Procedures and discovered that your reports do not match? Being out of balance is a common problem that many Rapattoni Magic users face each month. It can be tedious figuring out what went wrong, but a few simple steps should simplify the process of finding a solution.
Reasons for being out of balance can vary, but over time, we’ve discovered that the best method for determining the cause for the "out of balance" problem is to compare reports. However, to get an accurate report, it’s very important that you follow your Month-End Procedures on a regular basis. This will prevent you from having to search through several months of data.
If you notice that you are out of balance, the first step is to run the Cash Receipts Report by Charge Code. Run this report in the detailed format (Option # 2) and choose to sort by account number (Option #2). You need to also run the Journal Entry Report in a similar format. Using these two reports, compare the charge code totals to find the charge code that is out of balance. Once you find this, you can then compare the invoices under the charge code to find the cause of the problem. These few simple steps will prevent frustration and save you time every month.
NOTE: For more information, please refer to the Accounting Supplement included with Rapattoni Magic. A copy of this supplement can be found under the Help menu in the Documentation section.