Title: | Open/Close Cash Drawer |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Magic Software Support |
Issue: | How can I set my cash drawer to open or close each time a transaction is made in the Cash Receipts Posting Form? |
There is a field in Rapattoni Magic that allows you to control the opening and closing of your cash drawer automatically. Of course, if you do not have a cash drawer, you need to turn this option off. The cash drawer will open when anyone enters the payment type on the Sales Invoice Form or Cash Receipts Posting Form. The two places that you will need to check the cash drawer switch is in the Batch Form and the Payment Type Table.
Locating the Sales Invoice Form:
NOTE: Enter "Y" on the Batch Form only if this batch will be used with a PC attached to a cash drawer, such as in a REALTOR store.
Locating the Payment Type Table:
NOTE: Enter "Y" in the Payment Type Table for payment types that require the cash drawer to open (such as cash, checks, etc.)
If you need to make a change, switch into modify mode and make the desired change. There are two options to select on this field:
Option Y = "YES" will automatically open the cash drawer.
Option N = "NO" will not open the cash drawer.