Title: | Waiving Dues for Qualifying Members |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Magic Software Support |
Issue: | How do I waive applicable dues for honorarium or emeritus members? |
Members that are recognized as honorarium or emeritus may be entitled to have local, state or national dues waived. If a member qualifies for any or all of these waivers, press F5 to zoom on the Assn field. The Member’s Association Detail form will open. Set the Dues Waived Local, Dues Waived State, and/or Dues Waived National fields to "Y" where appropriate.
Keep in mind that the Special Billing Code field for your local, state and national dues charge codes must be set up correctly in order for the dues waived feature to work. Magic uses the Special Billing Code to identify the local, state and national dues.
The Special Billing Code must be set to "10" for local dues.
The Special Billing Code must be set to "20" for state dues.
The Special Billing Code must be set to "30" for national dues.
If you need
additional assistance, please contact Rapattoni Magic Support via email at