Note: Only cash-basis invoices (those with an invoice type set up for Cash, not Accrual, in the Invoice Type Table) can be deleted using this program.

Through the years, members may come and go but their accounting information will continue to accumulate in your database. As more and more terminated members accumulate in your database, their accounts receivable use up valuable database space. These A/R records may slow down the performance of your database.

The following procedures have been compiled to assist you in the deletion of old or unwanted A/R records from your database, thus ensuring that your database will perform as robustly as possible. It is best to run the Delete Unpaid Invoices, Archive Receipts and Invoices, and Purge Sales/Receipts Batches utilities in the order listed below at least once a year. Cloud AMS provides purging or deleting utilities for all of our software managers, which also help you increase system performance. These utilities will be covered in future Cloud AMS Resource Center articles.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to contact Cloud AMS Support to perform a complete backup of your data before running programs that will significantly alter your data.

Deleting Unpaid Invoices Utility

This is designed for old, unpaid dues or MLS invoices that are for members who are now inactive or terminated. Do not run this program if you want to retain accounting history of unpaid invoices. It’s a good idea to run the report only first and preview the changes before actually deleting anything.Delete archive inv and rec 1


Archiving Receipts and Invoices

Use this program to archive old receipts and invoices in your database. The program defaults to archiving records that are more than one year old, but you can modify the date field to archive records that are older or newer than the default date. It is recommended that you print the exception report so that you can investigate the reasons a receipt or invoice did not qualify for archiving.  Once you click Update, you will get the Warning message, at which point you can still Cancel out the process if the date that displays needs to be adjusted.


Delete archive inv and rec 2


Purging Sales/Receipts Batches

Use this program to purge batches that are no longer in use, within a specified date range. Only batches that have no invoice or receipt transactions can be deleted. Make sure to check the "Close any open batches with no records" option, because open batches cannot be purged. Once again, it’s a good idea to run the report before actually performing the purge utility.



After running these utilities, if you have invoices or receipts that you feel should be archived or deleted but are not, please feel free to contact us at our AMS support line, (866) 730-7115.