Title: Identifying and Correcting "Undeliverable" or Non-Existent E-mail Addresses
Submitted by: Rapattoni Software Support
Issue: How do I correct "undeliverable" or outdated e-mail addresses in my Rapattoni Magic database?

Have you ever sent an e-mail to your members and received a message back telling you that certain messages could not be delivered because of an invalid address? This is usually caused by an e-mail address that is outdated or does not exist anymore. In many cases, you have no way of identifying which member’s e-mail address this is referring to, so you can update it. This problem is most evident when doing an e-mail merge consisting of several e-mails being sent out at once. You can receive several of these "undeliverable" e-mail error messages, and it can be frustrating trying to correct them. As you probably already know, keeping e-mail addresses up-to-date is necessary to avoid communication problems between you and your members. This is especially important if your office uses e-mail billing.

There is a solution that will help you correct this problem. Rapattoni Magic allows you to look up the "undeliverable" e-mail address and associate it to a corresponding member in your database. Then, you can contact the member and obtain his/her correct e-mail address to update the database. This process of correcting and updating e-mail addresses can be done using the Internet Query Form.

Internet Query Form:

Select either Member or Office, depending on the type of e-mail address you are trying to update.

Make a note of the "undeliverable" e-mail address you are trying to locate. After opening the Internet Query Form, you can do a Range Search using that e-mail address.

In our example, we received an "undeliverable" error message for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There is no way of identifying which member this e-mail address belongs to by looking at the e-mail message. By doing a search for this address in Rapattoni Magic, you will be able to find any matching records (notice that the member’s information displays at the bottom of the form). Now, you are able to associate this e-mail address with a member, making it possible to contact the member and update any Internet information. The Modify button will allow you to modify the E-mail Address field or Web Page Address field in the Internet Information Form. You can repeat this process for each e-mail message that is returned to you to help ensure that your Rapattoni Magic database is current.