Title: | Voluntary Contributions Do Not Display in IMS |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Magic Software Support |
Issue: | Why don't the voluntary contribution memo charges in our annual dues billing display in IMS? |
Let's say that you have posted your annual dues billing, but then realize that members do not see voluntary contribution memo charges on their statements through Internet Member Services (IMS). The charges printed on your paper statements, but do not display online. Why not?
First, make sure that IMS has been set up properly for contributions:
Managers > Internet Member Services > IMS Setup Form
With the appropriate association highlighted, click the Service Setup button.
Highlight the IMS Service that has been set up for contributions, then press Ctrl-M to switch to Modify mode. Next, click the Accounting Setup button. NOTE: If you do not see an IMS service for contributions, contact Rapattoni Magic Support.
Verify that the Contribution Billing Year field is correct. It should match the Billing Year in your contribution charge code.
Next, verify that your annual dues invoice type is set up properly:
Managers > System Setup > Accounting Setup > Invoice Type Table
Highlight the appropriate Invoice Type and make sure that the Memo Charges field is set to "Y."
Finally, double-check the setup for your contribution charge code:
Managers > Accounting > Billing Processes > Billing Setup > Charge Code Table
Highlight the appropriate charge code and press F5 to zoom to the Charge Code Information Form.
Verify that the correct year has been entered in the Billing Year field. Also, confirm that the Accumulate Contribution History and Memo Charge check boxes are selected.
Now, when members pay their dues invoice through IMS, they'll be able to include a contribution:
If all of the items discussed above have been set up correctly, your members should be able to make voluntary contributions when they pay their dues invoices.
The contribution line item displays after the user selects an invoice and clicks the Choose Payment Options button.
The recommended amount automatically displays for each member. The "Modify" link lets them change the amount, or zero it out, if desired.
NOTE: When members contribute through IMS, the system automatically generates a second invoice for the contribution, and payment is applied to both their dues and contribution invoices at the same time.
If you have any questions, please call Rapattoni Magic Support.