Title: | Issuing a refund on a credit card processed through VeriSign |
Submitted by: | Rapattoni Magic Software Support |
Issue: | How can I issue a refund on a credit card processed through VeriSign? |
Rapattoni Magic allows you to issue full or partial refunds for credit card payments that were processed through VeriSign. (NOTE: If your association uses ICVerify or the NAR E-Commerce credit card processing service, you should refer to those articles instead for specific instructions.)
To issue a full credit
You can simply click a button on the Receipt Query & Adjustment Form that will process the full credit refund automatically.
Receipt Query & Adjustment Form
In the Receipt Query & Adjustment Form, use a Range Search to look for the member number, office number, receipt number, credit card number or even the amount, and find the correct receipt.
To issue a credit, highlight the receipt that requires a refund and click the Issue Credit button located on the bottom right of the form. Within a few seconds, the software will automatically issue a credit to the member's credit card for the highlighted receipt. A negative receipt will be created and the original invoice(s) paid will become outstanding.
NOTE: The Issue Credit button only applies to receipts processed through Verisign.
To issue a partial credit
NOTE: Partial credits can only be accomplished if using VeriSign or ICVerify.
- Open the Cash Receipts Posting Form.
- Enter the batch. (Note: The batch must be set up with the correct billing group and merchant, and must have the Credit Card Verifying option set to Immediate.)
- Enter the member/office number.
- Enter the refund amount to the credit card as a negative number in the Amount field. Also enter the credit card type, number and expiration date.
- Tab down to the invoice area, and click the View All button to display all invoices for the selected member/office.
- Highlight the invoice to which you want to issue a partial refund.
- Click Pay, then click Post. This will send the credit to the credit card company for posting to the account.